Juicing Wheatgrass: Believe The Hype!

Juicing your fruits and vegetables is a great way to cleanse your body and improve your energy levels. Not only can you lose excess weight but you will also help to prevent a variety of health problems by consuming freshly made juices. Wheatgrass is a popular choice; and it is packed with vitamins, minerals and amino acids to cleanse and vitalize your body. It is a natural food that is derived from the wheat plant.

Vegetables Fresh vegetables especially green ones WheatGrass Powder contain a range of energizing B vitamins iron and magnesium. The best of these are: broccoli, spinach, and asparagus.

Improve your mental attitude and actually find a way to better deal with your stress and fears. Just recognizing that you're stressed is not enough - you need to actually change your biochemical response to stressful situations. Alternatively, just chill.

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In the 20's and 30': Dr. Charles Schnabel, a Kansas City scientist added "greens" check here to chicken feed and the egg production rose from 38% to 94%! He reasoned if it works for chickens, it should work for children! Dr. Schnabel gave his family and neighbors dehydrated grass juice..."None of his children ever had a serious illness or a decayed tooth."- Buffalo Courier Express - June 1, 1942.

Some stores, as well as health food stores, sell freshly cut wheatgrass flats. You can take these home to put in your juicer. You can also purchase wheatgrass as a juice or frozen. Wheatgrass also comes as a powder or in a tablet, so if you choose to you can use these forms as well.

A common problem people may have is that they don't have enough mineral salts in their system, which are essential for digesting plant fiber. Health and nutrition author Bernard Jensen found that the mineral most of his patients were low in is the sodium salts. We need both potassium salts and sodium salts for proper digestion of raw plant foods.

A word of caution if you're new to juicing wheatgrass. Because of its strong cleansing effects, consume a little of it throughout the day - just like many things, take a little at a time for the best effects. Don't drink it on an empty stomach and if you have a sensitive stomach, consider drinking wheatgrass juices every second day to start out. You'll still enjoy the benefits of wheatgrass and you'll find that over a short period of time, you'll be able to drink it every day.

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